Cortado Cafe



A series of freeform podcasts that blurs the line between science and arts, melding together topics from current events to neuroscience to architecture to everything in between. From the perspective of two skeptical undergrads who somehow manage to have their minds blown by new discoveries several times a week.


  • Chat 2. Multiple Universes

    15/07/2019 Duration: 21min

    Enjoy learning about the multiverse from your favorite caffeinated undergrads*! In this long-awaited second episode we riff on scientific theories predating evidence, popular science, and de-sensationalizing and de-jargoning science. Note: This episode was recorded outdoors. We promise to find a better recording space for our next episode. While editing we fixed the sibilance (’s’ sounds) but not the plosives (‘p’ and ‘b’ sounds) — this podcast is best enjoyed on a medium volume and with a hot beverage. *Annie’s technically a college grad now—woot!

  • Chat 1. fertility & memories

    01/02/2019 Duration: 22min

    Our(Zoya & Annie's) first chat. Get to know us!